The Whistleblowers application on the Neula platform

helps to ensure compliance with the requirements
of the EU directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Directive 2019/1937).

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Breaches Reporting System

Give yourself a chance to detect breaches and react to them effectively.
Give your colleagues the opportunity to influence the operation of the organization.

Whistleblower anonymity
Several channels of reporting
Simple and effective implementation
Convenience of use
Additional services

The EU directive on the protection of whistleblowers has entered into force.

Only national regulations are missing.


Only authorized persons have access to messages from persons informing about breaches. It is possible to additionally limit the list of people who have access to the whistleblower’s data (his data may be processed separately from information about the event). The mechanisms used also allow for compliance with the GDPR.


Reports of breaches can be received through forms prepared in several languages. The service of notifications itself can be performed through a multilingual interface. Thanks to this, applications can be registered by foreign contractors, and their service can be carried out in teams working in different EU countries.


Several channels
of reporting

The application allows to submit reports and their registration through several communication channels. An online form is available, and incoming notifications can be registered via e-mail, telephone or accepted in person.

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The Whistleblowers application is built on the basis of the comprehensive Neula process digitization platform

This low-code platform allows to comprehensively handle business processes in the organization, from the circulation of invoices, complaints and orders, to the issues of sales management, security and human resources. Want to know more, please click

We have prepared our solution based on the knowledge and many years of experience of JT Weston consultants and a team of lawyers from JT Weston Legal (a law firm specializing in personal data protection and compliance issues)


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Comprehensive breaches reporting system

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